Hello, I’m Gavin, a Technical Consultant for an Autodesk VAR in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Within a few days, he posted this video up on his YouTube channel, showing his first 3D toolpaths being machined.

Last week, we processed the license for Luke and notified him that it was ready for him. More recently, he has set up an aerial filming company called XM2. When not building/converting his own CNC machines in his garage, he flies all manner of Radio Control helicopters and multicopters, and produces some incredible aerial footage. Luke has a youtube channel by that name and produces some awesome videos of the very interesting things he gets up to. I googled his name and quickly discovered the exciting world of CRUDDCNC. I was told that he had been using HSMXpress, Autodesk’s free 2.5D Integrated CAM solution for Solidworks. We were to organise a license of the full 3D HSMWorks for Luke to give him some more horsepower for some much more complex milling.

Recently, I was asked by Autodesk to get in touch with a chap called Luke, on behalf of the reseller I work for.